Through the years I've been had many opportunities to introduce many young men to the great outdoors. There's nothing like watching a young soul experience their first mountain top sunrise/sunset. Seeing that excited grin when they catch and release their first fish. Observing the realization that they too will have the chance to pass these experiences on down to other young men for generations to come. This world is not ours to take advantage of and then toss away. It is ours to share, manage and protect. 'Mine' is a word that should never come up in conversation about our natural resources. I prefer 'Ours'.
Through the years there have been a few times where I have come across a young man who has shown me new insights about the great outdoors. As an old fart, I take comfort knowing that there are other men who have taken the time to introduce young men to this remarkable world. I never thought I'd do this, but this post is sort of a shoutout, a thanks of sorts to a couple of people. Nathaniel Samsel and his father Jeff Samsel. I have never met a young man so dedicated to the sport of fishing and taking care of what has been passed down to him. He's taken all that he's been taught and is putting it to great use. And in the process learning even more. For this, I'm thankful to Jeff for being such a great father.
Sunrise on Tallulah Falls Lake. |
I'm honestly excited to see what the future holds for Nathaniel and to see the fruits of what he passes on. I can admit that my hookset, when bass fishing, is remarkably better than it was a couple of years ago because of him. One can only take so much ribbing from someone who is considerably younger and not try and improve.
Check out Nathaniel's page @