Sunday, January 25, 2015

Two Hours Later

Yes, yes that was a line from a Sponge Bob episode.

So this Sunday started out with grandiose plans to go fishing with a real good fishing buddy of mine. Naturally, choosing a prime spot is the most important part of any fishing excursion. And naturally having a backup spot or two never hurts. We all know how Big Snowbird and the Nantahala turned out last week.

Well spot number one turned into a bust due to low water levels. By that I mean that we couldn't reach the water to launch the johnboat. It was that low!

So on to hole number two! Seed Lake! Nathaniel and I were both pretty excited to fish water that neither one of us has ever fished before. After about one of hour of trolling up the lake with no success and then another hour of trolling back down the lake against the chilly wind with no success we decided to try backup hole number three. This is the point where the post title makes sense.

After an hour, this was extremely exciting to us.

Upon spotting Nathaniel's truck at the dock I looked over at this creek that I didn't notice on the way out. I had a hunch and so I told Nathaniel that it was time for one quick detour.

The fish gods must have heard my plea and the silent offering of my firstborn child and rewarded us with four nice sized trout between the two of us! They even gave us a nice show of jumping out of the lake before being caught and released.

Rainbow Trout on Seed Lake (cred. Nathaniel Samsel)
Our goal this year to is catch quality sized fish of various species this year, but after spending two and then some hours in a johnboat on a cold Georgia day, I'm all good with just spending quality time with good friends and making quality memories in the process.

We still hit hole number three later on. Though no quality fish were caught and released, we still made quality memories.


Seed Lake

It's about time that I started jotting down my thoughts and adventures again. I've done this several times in the recent past, but I figured that it's healthy to share so it's time to get to sharing. But in an attempt not to over share, this will not be one of those every day nor even a weekly release of the craziness and other stuff that goes on in my life. Just like life, it'll happen when it happens. There will also be an attempt to keep posts brief as well.

There's no point into going into who I am and all that jazz at this moment. It's my hope that by sharing that the read will be able to come to their own conclusion about the writer.