Sunday, February 22, 2015


It's that time of the week where every one separates and congregate together. Sundays have always intrigued me in this manner.The most intriguing part of this is the reaction from others when a man decides to take upon himself to use this time to go seek solitude and peace.
Six days of chatter followed with a seventh with more chatter weighs heavy at times.
One of the best lessons that I learned as a boy growing up on a farm is that it's when your alone, do you really find out who you are. I'm not saying that we should forsake others. What I am saying is that if one ever gets a chance to spend time alone and listen to what's around them and to what's going on inside them they realize that one is never truly alone.
That moment of peace is the best sound you'll ever know.

Monday, February 2, 2015


When I was a young boy growing up in Eastanollee, Georgia, I was most likely to be found in the woods. Anywhere in the woods. If there was any sort of water to be found, there was a good chance I was either right next to it or right in it. Exploring. As a grown man the same scenario still applies. During most free moments in my life I can be found in the woods. Exploring. A few days ago was my maternal grandmother's birthday. Thoughts of her raising me on that small farm crosses my mind just about every time I'm in the woods, by a river, even on a mountain. I'm truly grateful that she instilled* in me such values. Values which help me to appreciate what I have and where I come from. And to never stop exploring.

*Instilled is code for she sometimes had to beat it into me. I was pretty stubborn child at times.